Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Although  you are  as  I am , you don't  see me ....
Because you are elsewhere ....Dressed in the costume of your own
country .... And inhabiting a physical body different in shape and colour..
And also , coming from a different backround , having a different social
Life ...A completely different education ....And  also ....particularly of a
Different  religion .... Theres so much that differentiate us much...
There is a huge gap , a  big gulf  between us ....
An unbridgeable distance ...That , only living  the present moment as
It is ... untouched   ...undimmed  and   unhindred ...
could bring us closer to each other ...
Only , the deepest and  profound   " LOVE  " coming  deep from the
SOUL  AND  THE SPIRIT ...Could make  a "BRIDGE " to cross over ...
between our two separate  worlds ...
As , true Love is timeless , and ageless .... beyond the conception of 
time and  space ...
Because , then in truth we are "  ONE  in SOUL " far in the distance  at
an incredible hight ...And also down here on earth at the present
Moment ....A wholeness , an integity beyond  words ...
As , only your personal  ego , your  Intellect , your past knowledge
acquired throughout time ... Your social position... Your identity...
Or , your present religion ...
Your  mental  indoctrination are  " separating us "
From  each other ...
Who then is this other one , if not as  "I " Am  my one  self ...
You  are  , as  I  indeed .....
Patrick  GENSAU

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